it was such a sweet day. full of princesses and crowns. lemonade and running outside barefoot. perfect.

and you all know how it is. these babies. and the growing up. each year adds so much. there's no stopping it. our only option is to savor and enjoy. because they start right about here:

you turn around maybe 3 times and you're here:

turn around a few more times (a switch in kids, for the sake of dramatic proof)

and they're jumping on gate slats and beating you in races. it's unbelievable.
i had a birthday myself yesterday and my sisters were here to celebrate. i can't remember the last time i had both of them sitting next to me for my birthday dinner. it was so very nice.

we went to Carl Sandburg's house for the day. the more i learn about that guy, the more i'm sure we would have been friends. his home has started to feel like home to me. we love it there.

another year of life for my miss and myself. hopeful for what it might bring. i think that as i get older, i make less plans. those expectations get me every time and leave so little room for enjoyment. and i hope that is what i can expect for the year-- more savoring. less hurrying. more stopping and seeing.
