Saturday, December 28, 2013

Boxing Day… Week

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did you have a nice Christmas?

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we did. it was lovely. we drove to michigan. after all the gifts were wrapped and cookies were made.

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there was lots of beautiful space. and the moments found their way into the days. those really nice ones. you know the kind. 

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in the midst of all of those children and adults, there was some quiet. oh, isn't quiet so wonderful?

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we had snow. fires and hot cider. and more snow. my kids were so excited. and i was so excited. the air was so still. it was that perfect kind of snow where you can catch flakes on your mittens and perfectly see the dimensions and beauty of each flake. 

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all in all a lovely time. and now it is time to pack it all up. i know today isn't actually Boxing Day, but it's close. let's call it Boxing Week. this in between week is such a nice one. everyone slows. things get done- packed, organized (sometimes). i'm hoping for some couch cuddling. some book reading. some bread baking. a lot of slowing. oh and there will definitely be some baby kissing. 

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hoping you and yours get to slow a bit too. hoping we all can enjoy these lovely littles that surround and crowd a bit. here's to living room dances and reading books in bed. happy holiday week, friends. 

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Monday, December 9, 2013


it has been very. very. very cloudy and rainy over here these past days. what feels like lots of days.

as i spoke to my sister this morning, she reminded me that the quality of the weather really does effect these hearts of ours. she encouraged me to remember.

and as i swallowed my vitamin d, started to unload the dishwasher and realized that i need some serious Spirit help today, i found myself in a moment of gratitude.

so glad that i have a God Who's help is available me. a Savior Who is here. in my kitchen.

Who i can ask for help, even in the seeking. "would you help me think of You? help me ask for more help?"

the Mighty and Majestic-- Holy and Awesome-- allows this question.

it baffles the mind.

i'm so grateful.


God with us. 

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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

rough days and new seasons

yesterday was one of those days, friends.

not great.

i foolishly thought i could get some cyber-monday shopping done with my cup of coffee and pj's before school started. i whipped through amazon like a pro and announced school should begin- only 40 minutes behind our usual schedule.

and then things began to fall apart.

right around the same time that i realized i had taught samuel an entire lesson from last year's math curriculum, jason called me and asked me if i had meant to ship my entire amazon order to my parents house in texas.

no. i had not meant to do either of those things.

you can imagine the gradual slow decline that followed in the hours to come. so that- by about 7pm- i declared the day over. ready to try again. let's start over.

so i'm here today to perform a little exercise. some pictures-- reminders-- of all the good we've had of late.

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oh how i love thanksgiving.

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post-feast calm

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and walk in the woods

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the start of a new season.

december holds so much potential. i'm hoping to hold it all loosely. (those expectations get me in trouble every time). to anticipate joyfully and have eyes open to see what is right in front of me.

whatever the days may hold.