i stopped. i considered. and i shut the door. shut myself inside and distanced myself from the insanity. the mess. the giggling.
oh these are the critical moments, aren't they friends? i stood in my kitchen deliberating briefly. and today i put reprimand on the shelf and went to get my camera.

(the clean feeder. they had cleaned it before soaking themselves with bubbles..)
this parenting gig is no joke.

full of so many such moments-- so many times where my legs need to stop (or where my mouth needs to stop) and i need to take stock. take a moment. reinterpret what i'm seeing (or hearing) through the lens of a saving King.

i'm so thankful for the lens i have. for the knowledge growing more in my heart every day that He is real. that He really did come. He was perfect when i wasn't. He lived the life i never would. oh the freedom He has gifted to me.

today i'm also thankful for the truth. for the good gifts. for the ability to hear the giggles. for getting the camera. and for the immense hope He has given. that i get to share with these super-fantastic people He has put in my home for a little while.

Thanks for the inspiration to open the door to the moment and get the camera.
Letting kids just be kids. That is love. :)
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