Tuesday, March 20, 2012

march 20

there has been a lot of cuteness going on around here.


a lot. a lot.


in the midst of busy, and sometimes crazy, we've been trying to land on some peace. with a little sweetness thrown in.


we've been around the table. doing the things you do around the table.




it has been lovely. and i'm doing my best to head for more.

today find me a bit introspective. it has been 9 years since our friend Dan went to hang out with Jesus forever and ever. he died on his 33rd birthday. and that's today. 9 years adds up to awhile. we miss him. i wish he knew my kids. he'd really like them. and i wish he could see how God has grown and changed jason and i. the good that he saw God beginning in us is still going. still working. i wish we could talk about it.

but the hole that he left is getting smaller. there really isn't a spot in my life where he is 'missing.' and that makes me a little sad too. that he's been gone for that long and my life and has filled in a little bit.

we'll do our best to remember today. the good gifts. the friendship of a good man. who we miss.

and the good right in front of us. His constant hand of good.

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