Monday, April 2, 2012


yesterday was Palm Sunday. a day where the believers remember Jesus coming. the palm branches waving. the people crying "Hosanna!"

"Hosanna" is a declaration of praise and joy. it literally means "save us, we pray."

i've cried more times than i can count while listening to this song. identifying with every line.

so thankful for the 'long awaited King, come to set His people free.'

so glad that i am a temple torn down, being rebuilt in His holiness.

trying to guide my heart into a posture of expectation. waiting to remember the cross, the darkness, the tomb, the bright morning, the joy.

the freedom and grace.




Alicia said...

Glad that song came up by googling that one line of lyric. I might have gone crazy trying to figure that out. Now I'm going to enjoy the album via YouTube. Thanks. ;)

joanna said...

glad you found it alicia! it is the first song on the playlist to the right, if you ever need to find it again. i love that whole album- 'hosea' is a favorite.