Monday, November 15, 2010

giving thanks.


another Monday is upon us. and i'm wishing i could be at home cuddling with giggly little ones as the clouds today make me long for some tea and, well, giggles.

we had a full beautiful weekend. some good friends made a clay oven in their back yard and hosted a day of feasting on saturday.



pizza, pumpkin seeds, cookies and stuffed peppers just to start the long list. such deliciousness. and community. surrounding a smoking cave.



working alongside friends to bring food to the table is one of the best tasks. small kitchens and shared cookware-- dirty recipes and babies afoot. all beauty.



and the children played. dug a fort. fought with swords. little community.




and sunday brought us to our larger community. jason and i led the worship for our three services and once again experienced one of God's great blessings: worshipping Him. He is so incredible that He has made coming before Him and telling Him how awesome He is such a pleasurable thing. standing in front of my brothers and sisters and reminding, telling, being reminded of His greatness- His gifts- His goodness blows me away every time. i love worshipping with His body. He does mysterious and mighty things when we come together. community rocks.

and we closed the day with a quiet tradition. good friends and an early Thanksgiving.



we were exhasuted. and we were at just the right table-- delicious food and quality company.


and as my week begins today i am longing to hold fast to His mighty gifts. to not forget the work He has done in the lives around me and in my own heart. may the awesome reality of His truth, might and Gospel infect every area of my life this week. All the way to my kitchen sink dishwashing and readings of Cat in the Hat. He is there. He is here.

blessings on your Mondays, friends. may He infect every corner.


1 comment:

erica said...

worship! what a powerful and beautiful thing. in worship i finally find my gratitude, my peace, come before His feet. i miss worshiping with you guys. i love what beth said at the end of this past study about how starting our morning praising is such a testament to how we will be spending the rest of the day. at His feet. love you so much.