november arrived. and out my door this morning i was greeted by a cold gust of wind and leaves and a bright glorious sun. ah november. welcome.
samuel started a 'nature collection' this weekend. he was very very proud of it. and i think because he got to put it in a basket and carry it around with daddy on a walk, he thinks a basket is the perfect birthday gift for daddy's upcoming birthday. 'an old basket. so he can carry stuff around.' we're going to think on it and come back to it.

and i finished some birds. of course, i forgot to take photos of the ones already getting set up at the gallery. but here are a few more finished off last night. i'm really pleased.

hard for me to do so much small stitching and precision work. i get so impatient with these little doves and want to stand in a huff and discard them all. but i'm learning small lessons of patience and perseverance.

working still on getting the etsy shop stocked and ready. i will get there soon. just the headbands left. i mailed off my first orders this weekend. it was so exciting and made me feel like a little-girl-entrepreneur. not sure i totally know what i'm doing and i feel a but uncomfortable not knowing if those will be the only orders i ever get. you just never know what the days ahead with hold. but even this little business is something He cares about. and as i fret about the way the promo photos come out or realize i have no package materials whatsoever, i think i'm growing through every step. so thankful that He is so faithful in changing me- when i am so very unfaithful sometimes.
when we were in MN, my lovely sister-in-law took a few photos (including the first and last two in this post). i love them and will have to share more with you another time. they are all beautiful and filled to the brim with autumn color. i wish we could take photos together more often.

happy november, friends. may it truly be filled with days of gratitude. daily recognition of His many good good gifts.
the ornaments look just lovely!
The ornaments are wonderful! Take heart you have done a good job. The kids are getting so big and your daughter brings back memories when you were that size,
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