Thursday, September 22, 2011

two days.

you know our days around here are far from perfect. yesterday erred on the ugly side. but i'll get to that.

tuesday brought a field trip. to caesar's head. we went in hopes of seeing a hawk. it is a great spot for this season's hawk migration. but we saw this instead:


it was so beautiful. no birds. but a lot of mist.




and a few park rangers that were happy to talk bugs with my little man.


yesterday was full of rain. beautiful cleansing rain. puddle jumping and peanut butter cookies.



but, if i'm honest with you guys (and i try to be) yesterday was mostly full of this little girl and her mischief:


she was on a roll. and by the end of the day we both were done. just done.

she found my bag of early-bought Christmas gifts and colored all over one. she tore down a cork board, piece by tiny piece, that i had 20 minutes before hung up in her room. my contact case landed in the toilet and i found my hairbrush in the garbage can. she was supposed to be taking a bath but, i found her instead standing in the bathroom sink putting menthol rub on her face. got it in her eyes.

and i went to bed feeling like an angry failure. trying to remember that tomorrow would be a better day- that my Savior can and will empower me to do His work in her life. but, as so many of you well know, it can be hard to remember as the sun goes down on a rough day.

today is new. and will not be perfect. inevitably filled with more mischief to add to the list. but He is here. again. always with me.

1 comment:

Lacey said...


I so remember days like that.

And next time you head to Caesar's Head, in which you must practically drive past our front door, give me a call and we'll join you.