to start off, here's megan from this lovely cyber-spot. she is a thrift store genius who loves color and beautiful things. she upcycles and recycles. lovely stuff.

my friend, betsy, just started a little business making beautiful cedar mats. some have words and some are plain, but they are really really lovely items.

katie makes beautiful things. i don't know her. i've never actually purchased anything from her, but just look how pretty:

i bought these paper dolls for my niece a couple of years ago. you can buy them already printed or your can print them yourself. you can also sign up to have a new outfit every month sent to your email as a pdf. and there are so many beautiful options-- girls in literature (!!), fairy, princess, etc.

yellow elm is a friend from indie craft parade who makes really lovely headbands, pins, etc. so very pretty.

and just one more-- marisol spoon, another friend from indie craft parade. a fantastic couple who just had their first baby (yay!) that makes beautiful art together. she paints, he constructs and carves. so very pretty.

hope you can find some gifts here for the people you love this season. if you are reading and would like to leave a comment with a link to your favorite small-time-big-heart gift maker, please feel free.
i love the giving part of Christmas. giving gifts. what joy.

happy shopping.
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