powdered sugar everywhere and a quiet little 'num' heard here and there as small fingers found globs of escaped frosting. my sweet sister was here and we went to look at Christmas lights, read Christmas poetry and laughed. she's so good at celebrating.

but mostly God has blessed us with some calm. quiet mornings. knitting and little ones around the table. and a stilled and quieted spirit. He has grown it in me and i'm so thankful. this spiritual battle we fight is mysterious to me. but i know He is my only hope. He lightens my darkness. He is faithful, friends. i know this season can be insane- i'm looking at a weekend that i'm sure will be just that. i hope that i continue to run to the only refuge.

may we each find the quiet. the moments of yarn and table in the midst of whatever insanity is before us.
'but i have stilled and quieted my soul for You.'-- psalm 31
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