what a weekend. chock full of new things. new people and experiences with each blink it seemed. it was a joy.

as always, things do not go exactly how i think they will. i really hadn't understood just how small a 4 foot table could be. pretty small friends. pretty small.

but i got to meet so many wonderful people. and my visitors were so kind to stop by and compliment. i was proud of my work all splayed out and my table ended up being a safe haven in the middle of the crowds.

i am grateful that He is faithful. i was not overly anxious or distraught. He gave me peace and calm as i approached this whole new world. He reminded me of His presence and the people He so frequently loves me through. it was such a fun weekend.

i cannot tell you how exhausted i was by the end. so tired. my parents and sister were here to help (i don't know what i would have done without them). and we ended Saturday by roasting marshmellows in the tiny grill and making smores. perfect.

something samuel's been wanting to do for such a long time. it was so fun to see him delight in the process.

and erica was here. yay! she sat with me for the latter half of saturday which was so nice. what a goofy pair we sometimes make. she is lovely and was my promoter behind the table.

we ended the weekend with breakfast at Cullen's. i missed my family this weekend and it was so nice to revel in all they are for a whole day. yum.

so i'm busy now putting things on my etsy shop. i will get there. one at a time.
what a weekend. thanks for following, friends. and listening to my days. He is growing and changing me. some days it feels a little hopeless- i can't change. but He again proved Himself faithful this weekend. He calmed my spirit. gave me peace in the midst of my fear. He is faithful. even when i forget.
Do you have the Lavender Coozie (sp?) left? :) I still want to buy one from you.
Your booth was beautiful and I am proud of all that work you put into it! Yay.
I was greatly inspired by the fair and hope that I will actually get into my sewing room soon!
Your table was super super small. Don't think it counts as a table. more like a tray table in an airplane.
But, I'm so proud of you! God's given you a great gift of creativity. Love you!
hilary-- i will check on the cozy. i feel like someone bought that one... i'll check. and thanks so much for stopping by on Saturday. it was so good to see you and feel the support. and YES! you have to get into your sewing room. you're too wonderful not to. if you ever want to exchange little ones... you know i'm there.
seriously bri. it was a tray table....awesome description. and i loved being there and being a part of such a big day. i don't get to be a part of many big days in your life jo, i missed out on the birth of your children, your big move to the new house. these big changes. so i love having the opportunity of being a part of the small ones. love you so.
Everything was so beautiful! How I wish I could of been there. Love to you all! I will visit your etsy store soon... I will keep watching for the "opening.".
robyn hi! thank you! it was a fun event-- you would have loved it. and the etsy adding is more cumbersome than i had hoped. most of the stuff is up there now. i'm doing another little fair in october, so am keeping the small stuff off there for now. have a lovely fall, friend!
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