a friend and i were struggling with similar things this week (mine were anxiety and an undefinable downtrodden spirit). and we didn't really have much to offer one another as we spoke and commiserated. but we said we would pray for one another. when i was standing at the kitchen counter trying to get a handle on myself, i thought of this friend in her kitchen. and i prayed. i wouldn't have known what to pray for myself-- i sometimes look into my heart and see nothing but murky darkness. shapes undefined so i just look deeper and get lost in my own mess. i can't find my way out.
but i could stand there and clearly pray for her. i prayed for clarity, for peace, for her to put faith in the truth. and, of course, realizing that these were the things i needed. these were the places i needed to run. but only in bearing the burden of a true sister could i see.
God does mysterious work in prayer. He connects us to Himself as we speak. and He does the same work in community. So grateful. He refreshes my spirit.

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