"didn't you hear, kids don't play baseball anymore?"
-- "what? you mean baseball isn't America's favorite past-time anymore?"
"nope. it's been replaced by talking. talking is America's new favorite past-time. texting, emailing, writing, gathering together to talk, etc."
now... yes. i realize the irony of me quoting that. here. on my blog. where i sit and talk.
but it stuck in my head. and i keep thinking about that little joke and how my kids don't really know much about baseball.
part of the radio program was a re-airing of an old Lake Wobegon story of Babe Ruth. and it made me miss baseball.

and what do you know, but someone gave us free tickets to our minor league team. our small group all got to go to an open air game last night. we sat on the lawn and watched the game.


there is nothing quite like baseball in the summer. the pace of the game, the familiar sounds- crack of the bat, thwap of the ball hitting the catcher's mitt.

the natural pauses in conversation with your fellow spectators.

and our game ended with fireworks.

a beautiful night. the breeze of middle august cooling a bit. the sun setting a few minutes earlier than a month before. the bright lights of the field. and a little silence. some moments of just taking in the good. all the good we could fit.
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