there are piles of fabric waiting to be worked, there are dusty corners asking to be cleaned and a half-done list of school to-do's.

there have been very tall cups of coffee. a few scattered attempts at organizing. and way too few prayers of surrender to my Savior and Helper.
this is nothing this lovely planet has not seen before. a mother a bit overwhelmed by so many areas of life. i feel like there are at least 5 endeavors that i am behind on these days- and most of them i'm genuinely excited about. just behind.
school is coming. soon. and i know this year at home with my boy will be another stretching, growing, lovely year. and i'm excited about some new studies we'll be pursuing- reading history books and memorizing poetry.
and indie craft parade will be here again in less than 5 weeks. so much enjoyable work is ahead of me.
it's all that balance of good and busy. and so so often the busy overcomes the good in my mind. i can't steady myself in the midst of things and so i fall. oh there is a Father who cares even for this. these little/big things. i'm praying for rest in the midst of the crazy. that i would fall backwards into His care and love. that i would, in the middle of lists and being behind, have faith in the One Who loves and saved me.
happy week-start to you, friends. may we have eyes to see His good around every corner. oh, it's there.

Btw, I mentioned to your husband at SG that if you need an afternoon of solitude, that I'd be happy to take the kiddos to the park or something. Or, if you need a vehicle to run errands in, I'd also have no problem sitting with the kids at your house as you run around in ours.
Love this. It's funny how we put off even the things we love to do. It confuses me. I sit and watch an Olympic event I don't really care about when I have a book sitting right next to me that I've been wanting to read for a long time. Ah, the human condition. So thankful we have our God to love on us when we need it most and to save us from ourselves. Thanks for that reminder.
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