Wednesday, July 28, 2010


we arrived early early this morning from a not-as-long-as-it-could-have-been drive from michigan. we had such a sweet time with little munchkins and heart-soothing talks. we sat on lawn chairs in the afternoon sun, letting the little ones jump and play, and conversation was easy.

I will try to post more about the whole thing soon, but had to put up this photo of our guest room at Bri's house. it is consistently filled with sunshine and the bed is more comfortable than ours. it is my favorite place in her house and the thought of it just fills me with peace. this, right here, incapsulates so much of our weekend. oh, friends-- such sweet time.



alli said...

so glad you're home - talk to you soon! lots of love to all of you...

erica said...

i miss my room. man, so snuggly.