i have been conquering things on the list. feeling productive for a few minutes at a time. good stuff.

and then there are days like this past monday. where, there were many things on the lists that needed doing. laundry, for one. two baskets clean and waiting to be folded and organized. so, what do i do? fold the laundry? oh no.
i walk past this chair that my son has just knocked over (as he was inventing some sort of elaborate pulley system of some kind), and notice that is it pretty disgusting.

really disgusting.
so i go hunting for the staple gun, pull out fabric that JUST got put away. and spent some quality laundry-folding time on this:

and i am pleased.
i hope your days are treating you well. i hope all of your laundry gets done in a relatively timely fashion (after i got my chair-recovering urge out of my system, the laundry was, somewhat reluctantly, folded). and that the lists don't overwhelm. those are the wishes at my house these days.