Sunday, August 8, 2010

the morning

"No matter what kind of night you're having, morning always wins."

- Barbara Kingsolver- Pigs in Heaven

i read this line last night as i fought sleep. and then i read it again and then again. it followed a chapter about a woman struggling through her middle-of-the-night worries. pacing in her nightgown. everything a bit mysterious and shrouded.

oh the darkness can overwhelm, confuse and discourage. i get myself so turned around. when the light dawns, i'm in a tree upside down.

and of course my little miniature sunshine woke me up in order to appreciate the dawn today. the physical and metaphorical dawn.

the light is here. it never fails. and joy comes along.

'weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.' Psalm 30:5


the morning always wins. always.


erica said...

jo that was absolutely lovely. just lovely. what a beautiful picture of the hope that never fails through Christ. thank you for that, especially in my current confusion and frustration. beautiful.

joanna said...

thanks twig. i'm so glad. i love that truth. i'm so thankful for Jesus.