well last night was the rarity. we squeezed in a whole bunch of play and love.

checked on the garden with my little gardener. He's decided he wants to 'grow up into' a gardener. does it get better?

we walked around the block together, landed in our own overgrown patch and tossed the ball from end to end.

some nights it can be a challenge for me to switch gears and engage with these little hearts-- getting into the dirt with them, after removing my heels and favorite green beads.

why do i resist so often the gifts of joy God longs to give me if i would just choose to open my eyes and receive? oh the rewards and blessings that wait for me.

although her face doesn't reflect it here, we really did have a joy-filled time. really.
we closed the evening with a bath

and impromptu time with dear friends and neighbors. the kids cuddled in for the night and i sewed and sewed. i hope to put more up soon of stuff i'm working on and may get to a little tutorial one of these days.
cutest little face! and that sounds like a dreamy evening. ones that we never think that we have enough energy for, but the ones that mean the most, the ones that we actually have the perfect amount of energy for. those sweet moments away from the tv. love it. and perfects song choice. love that sondre.
it was-- exactly erica. when i get up and start doing stuff-- stop wandering aimlessly (with my whiny spirit) there is so much LIFE to be had. good gifts. thanks for the song. :)
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