and the Spirit has just pulled my heart right up close to this little family and I have found that I can't stop praying for them. and what a blessing that has been. i've cried at my computer so many times this week thinking of the pain, fear and frustration they have been experiencing. and i've shouted praise to the Father when she's made leaps of improvement. only God can do that. both the healing, and the knitting of hearts. His Spirit so powerfully and mysteriously moves in us. and the result is just amazing.
so many around me have been taught by this experience. i know i'm not the only one. but He has not only shown me His might and His tender care, but also how wonderful His body is. How powerful His Spirit is. He propels us to act or speak right when something is needed. He provides. I have been taught about the beauty of prayer-- the joy in bearing burdens with my family. I have seen Him make His name great this week. I've praised Him more this week than in my uneventful, small and relatively easy past weeks.
and again i'm grateful. grateful that He teaches me. He grows me. He who promised IS faithful.
i know some of you who read this have walked this road as well this week. i'd love to hear what He has taught you through it. Thank you to all of you for praying for this sweet little life.

I agree with you Jo that it's been seriously awesome to be a part of the body during this whole ordeal. I've never before been connected to so many people emotionally and spiritually. Just knowing that as I'm reading about Ruby and aching for Marco and Michelle, HUNDREDS of others are feeling the same feelings, and when there's been good news it's been overwhelming to feel relief and praise with a multitude of brothers and sisters. I love the body!
Also, it's made me so thankful and aware this week of God's kindness. I've barely been able to put Eliot down because I've been overcome with thankfulness for him, for his health, and the sweet little addition he is to our family. We almost didn't have him and I marvel at the kindness of God that He intervened in our selfish plans and gave us another baby.
I have struggled much with frustration for so many things for them. I know that God works and has shown Himself mighty and loving and kind in Ruby's life, but I have battled frustration and have given into "why's" more than I have praised and thanked and beseeched God this week.
And so for that, I've been incredibly humbled.
I've learned more about how God remains the matter what His children do or how they act. No matter the extreme circumstances in our lives.
He is loving. Compassionate. Gracious. Forgiving. All Knowing. The Healer. Creator. Kind. Generous.
And now, I'm just overwhelmed by WHO HE IS.
And the community of believers that I'm involved in. I need them in my life to help me get it. To keep my focus from myself and my limited knowledge of what God is doing.
To keep it on the never-changing attributes of our loving God.
thank you so much, girls, for sharing about what God has done. crazy how He works this whole puzzle and we all fit together and our lives influence and changes the lives around us. for the better. He's just so cool.
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