progress is being made over here. it's exciting. i got a giant box of pillow forms, and they are slowing being covered, completed and shoved back into the box.

these cases i've worked on and stashed away for awhile now look so much better as actual pillows! life has been breathed into them.
i'm still working on headbands. trying to get these just right. i took a picture of myself in one, but... well... yeah.

i think i really will try to do a quick tutorial one of these days on these. they are so easy and fun. I made one yesterday that i thought was way too cute. so i kept it for myself. okay i made two.
but i still have some scatterings of fabric everywhere.

trying to make little piles and trying to organize into new projects. but my supply of beautiful fabric is running a low. and i'm at a bit of a stand still in figuring out how to work it into new pieces of beauty. but i think this is also the fun part. creating under constraints can really be such a fun puzzle.
my heart has been heavy this weekend as we've had friends dealing with a beautiful new baby who is now in the NICU with breathing problems. we've been praying and praying some more for sweet baby ruby. and for her parents. that the peace of God would rule their hearts and minds. and as i stood briefly alongside this new mommy i was reminded of how awesome our God is. He is holy. beyond my concept of holy. and He wants us to come to Him with all that we have. our anger, sorrow and grief as well as our joy and gratitude. so thankful that we have a High Priest Who sympathizes with us. Praying for this young little family.

blessings on your days, friends. may each of us run to His throne with whatever we've got. Knowing He receives us there with grace, love and patience.

sweet sweet ruby. such a nummy little ear. i am so grateful that God holds this little one, so preciously. miss you so.
your pillows are lovely, i especially like the set in the first picture. praying for this baby and family also.
I'm excited to come to your booth and see all of your lovelies!
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