Monday, August 2, 2010


my heart has been heavied today by realities i don't often see. people can be so cruel to one another. causes tears at my desk and deep longing for my Jesus to come and make all things right. i can't wait.

and He has come to bind up the broken hearted. He gives the gift of light in the darkness, He lifts up- out of the rubble others leave. i'm so thankful to have the Answer to run to after mornings like these.

the clouds feel like a soft blanket today. a calming constant. all of this inner turmoil, the questions, the racing thoughts, can rest a little more easily on a day like today.

blessings on your Monday, friends. i hope you are seeing what you love today and choosing to find Love in what you see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your stuff, I can just hear your voice in the words... I miss you friend. Thanks for sharing your heart.
Much love, Beth